Dr. David Brendel Featured on The Philosophy and Therapy Podcast

In Episode #27 of "The Philosophy and Therapy Podcast," Dr. David Brendel, a psychiatrist, author, and executive coach, discusses the intersection of philosophy and psychiatry. He explores philosophical pragmatism in…

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Unlocking Transformation: The Holistic Coaching Approach of Dr. David Brendel

Executive Coach Dr. David Brendel, a psychiatrist and author, was spotlighted in a blog post on Boldly.app. He offers a holistic coaching approach that draws on his expertise in philosophy and psychiatry to inspire…

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Meet Dr. David Brendel – CanvasRebel

Learn more about Dr. David Brendel in this interview with the CanvasRebel team and how he was inspired by a career-defining moment. Meet David Brendel

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Go Solo: Step Up to Leadership – Leading Minds Executive Coaching

Leading Minds Executive Coaching was featured on the “Go Solo” blog from Subkit, which explores the challenges of entrepreneurship and small business. Visit the site to read an interview with Dr. Brendel. Step Up to…

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The Productive Academic: Tips for Time Management – By Stefan Kalt, PhD

Most academics would like to be more productive, especially with their research. The causes for falling short include a heavy teaching load, service commitments and student advising. But many also don’t manage their…

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What the French philosopher Albert Camus would have made of the Great Resignation

By what felt like the 47th day of March 2020 or the 82nd day of July 2021, some of us may have begun to question decisions we’d made in our lives, asking things like: Why am I married to this person? Why do I live here?…

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11/16/2017: NCR Silver: 5 Tips to Avoid ‘Seeing Red’ on Shopping’s Biggest Weekend

Feeling stressed? Here are 5  tips from Leading Minds Associate, Emmie Roe Stammel, to help you manage your stress levels and feel better.

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6/26/17 – Training Industry: The Human Quotient (HQ): A Model for Leadership Training

The Human Quotient (HQ) is a leadership training model proposed by Dr. Brendel. This article in Training Industry Magazine, explains some of the broad aspects of the model and why they are important to study and…

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4/19/2017 Huffington Post: Why Leadership Training Should Focus on the Human Quotient (HQ)

This Huffington Post article lays out the reasons why it's time for HR departments to support the growth of the Human Quotient factors in their leadership. (Why Leadership Training Should Focus on the Human Quotient…

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4/6/17 -Inside Higher Ed: How Coaching Can Help

Leading Minds Associate Stefan Kalt, PhD recently published an article about  using coaches effectively in Academia. Read to get insights into how coaches can improve life for academics at all levels, and for more about…

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