One of the services of Leading Minds Executive Coaching is workplace mindfulness training. Emmie Stamell spearheads these programs using her innovative 6 Pillar training model, which incorporates the elements described below. She provides a brief didactic overview for each of the pillars and engages trainees in practical exercises to incorporate mindfulness strategies into their daily lives, including in the workplace.

  1. Concentration:  Stabilizing attention to work tasks and avoiding multitasking (or at least doing it more effectively). Breath awareness meditation is one of the exercises to enhance this kind of concentration.
  2. Resilience:  Being more flexible in response to rapidly evolving circumstances and bouncing back quickly from setbacks. Training can empower people to be more reflective and proactive about their personal resilience strategies.
  3. Equanimity (Balance):  Developing an evenness of mind to increase tranquility, and avoid reacting impulsively. Recalling a challenging circumstance and practicing calm observation of emotions, thoughts, and sensations is one effective way of cultivating equanimity.
  4. Compassion: Redirecting harsh criticism, self-judgment or guilt — and instead fostering forgiveness of self and others, even when mistakes are made. Recent studies have confirmed a correlation between productivity and self-forgiveness.
  5. Communication:  Skillful communication makes for fulfilling interpersonal connections, which increases joy, creativity, and a sense of psychological safety in the workplace.
  6. Meaning: A sense of purpose and meaning is essential to workplace happiness. There are a couple levels involved in working with this pillar including clarifying core values and investigating impermanence as a constant feature of experience.

You can read more about the 6 Pillar approach to mindfulness in our article in Training Industry:

And here is a link to our Harvard Business Review article on how mindfulness training can enhance executive coaching: