09/19/2014 – Harvard Business Review: How Philosophy Makes You a Better Leader

In this Harvard Business Review blog post, I talk about the ways our philosophical values can affect our behavior as leaders. (How Philosophy Makes You a Better Leader)

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07/22/2014 – Harvard Business Review: Expressing Your Vulnerability Makes You Stronger

In this HBR post, I discuss the relationship between vulnerability and success. (Expressing Your Vulnerability Makes You Stronger)

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05/05/2014 – Harvard Business Review: Stress Isn’t a Threat, It’s a Signal to Change

Read my Harvard Business Review post about how to use stress as a helpful cue, rather than something that should always be minimized. (Stress Isn’t a Threat, It’s a Signal to Change)

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03/24/2014 – Harvard Business Review: The Heretic’s Guide To Getting More Done

Read my Harvard Business Review post with some unusual tips about getting more done. (The Heretic’s Guide To Getting More Done)

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02/24/2014 – Attention Excess Disorder

Are you working endlessly but not accomplishing all that you want? Mystified that continuous attention to work tasks is not resulting in satisfactory progress toward your strategic goals? Distracted to the point that…

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12/16/2013 – Executive Coaching and Overcoming Attention Deficits

The front page of the Sunday New York Times on December 15, 2013 includes a feature article on The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder. Driven by pharmaceutical company advertising and other promotional strategies,…

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11/4/2013 – Helping CEOs in the Crucible of Mental Health Issues Part 2

In my previous post, I introduced the rationale for coaching specifically designed for executives and other professionals who are confronted by mental health challenges in themselves, in their colleagues or employees,…

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10/29/2013 – Helping CEOs in the Crucible of Mental Health Issues Part 1

Like everyone in the general population, chief executives and other business leaders are at risk for developing psychiatric conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity…

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CEOs and other executives are the titans and high flyers of the business world. To reach the very highest levels of peak performance, they primarily depend on their own talents and drive. They may also benefit from…

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10/7/13 – Leading Minds Voice America Radio Show: Personal and Cultural Trauma: Philosophical Reflections on Women in Combat

10/7/13 - Personal and Cultural Trauma: Philosophical Reflections on Women in Combat Women have been acquiring more visibility and presence in the military. In fact, in January, the Military reversed their ban on women…

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