11/13/17: Training Industry: A Structured Approach to Mindfulness Training in the Workplace
November 14, 2017
This article by Leading Minds Associate Emmie Roe Stamel and Dr. David Brendel discusses the six tenets of Mindfulness and why they are important to business leaders. (A Structured Approach to Mindfulness Training in…
Mental HealthExecutive Coaching
11/9/17 – Perspectives on Managing Attention Deficit Disorder
November 10, 2017
Many of my coaching clients have focus and executive function issues that may or may not be treated. I recently wrote two articles for HealthGrade's Healthguide that can help them determine whether or not they are…
Huffington Post: How Leaders Can Promote Psychological Safety in the Workplace
September 1, 2017
Psychological safety is an important construct in the modern workplace. It involves the idea that workers should feel confident in taking calculated risks knowing that coworkers and managers will support them in the…
8/21/17: Sivana East: Equanimity: A Path to Freedom
August 22, 2017
The inner peace of equanimity can put you on a path to control and freedom in your life. In this article by Dr. Brendel and Emmie Stamell, we learn how to practice letting go of fleeting moments of joy in order to gain…
HR Pulse Magazine, Summer 2017: Physician Leadership Basics
July 8, 2017
Medical schools and doctor training typically focus on science and clinical skills rather than on what's needed to bring physicians into leadership roles. In this article, Dr. Brendel outlines the "7 C's of Physician…
6/26/17 – Training Industry: The Human Quotient (HQ): A Model for Leadership Training
June 26, 2017
The Human Quotient (HQ) is a leadership training model proposed by Dr. Brendel. This article in Training Industry Magazine, explains some of the broad aspects of the model and why they are important to study and…
6/8/17 – Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly: Lawyers in the Trenches: How Executive Coaching can Help
June 8, 2017
Dr. Brendel and Leading Minds Executive Coaching associate Stefan Kalt use this article to make the case that executive coaching is worthwhile and helpful to lawyers who want to advance their career and find their best…
4/19/2017 Huffington Post: Why Leadership Training Should Focus on the Human Quotient (HQ)
April 19, 2017
This Huffington Post article lays out the reasons why it's time for HR departments to support the growth of the Human Quotient factors in their leadership. (Why Leadership Training Should Focus on the Human Quotient…
4/19/17 -Training Industry: Pause and Inquire: The Core of Leadership Training
April 19, 2017
This article in Training Industry outlines two of the foundational aspects of Dr. Brendel's PITTA Model for Executive Coaching: Pause and Inquire. The actions help leaders to step back and further access a situation…
4/6/17 -Inside Higher Ed: How Coaching Can Help
April 8, 2017
Leading Minds Associate Stefan Kalt, PhD recently published an article about using coaches effectively in Academia. Read to get insights into how coaches can improve life for academics at all levels, and for more about…